1981: Richard Diaz opens a MODITEC sales office, based in Bron, in the Rhône region.
1985: Launch of “GOLIATH” the first low speed grinder. The firm becomes the limited company MODITEC Manipulation Plastique.
1987: Richard Diaz joins forces with Gilles Dutour and MODITEC enters the export market.
1988: MODITEC opens premises on the Corbas industrial area (69).
1989: Launch of the “BM” range of conventional grinders.
1994: MODITEC moves to St Symphorien d’Ozon (69) and opens a mechanical parts production unit.
Innovation with double opening of the grinder cutting chamber block.
1999: Launch of the “BIGGER” range of grinders for very large plastic parts and the patented MASHER system.
2000: The company moves to new premises in Marennes (69), south of Lyon.
2005: Launch of the patented IMD system (metal detection system integrated into the cutting chamber). The arrival of 2nd generation GOLIATHs: GOLIATH Plus
2007: Sale of MODITEC to the Rapid Granulator AB group (Sweden).
2010: The Rapid Granulator AB group files for bankruptcy for MODITEC in April 2010.
2010: MODITEC’s former French shareholders and their family establish the company Montage Diffusion Technique (MO-DI-TEC) and resume production of the GOLIATH Plus, Mini, TITAN Plus and BM ranges.