Made in France

Legal information


MO-DI-TEC does not store personal information enabling people or companies to be identified, with the exception of forms that the user is free to complete. This information will not be used without your consent.

Information gathered on the websites are covered by the French data protection act (Loi “Informatique et Libertés” No. 78-17) of 6 January 1978. Users have a right of access, as well as a right to rectification, to object to communication, and to erasure, upon request to MO-DI-TEC Z.I. du Leveau 38200 Vienne – France

MO-DI-TEC may carry out anonymised statistical analyses and may report its findings to third parties (website traffic bodies) in a summarised and anonymised form.


This entire website is governed by French and international copyright and intellectual property legislation.

All rights of reproduction are reserved, including for downloadable documents and pictorial and photographic representations.

The reproduction of some or all of this website on any electronic medium whatsoever is strictly prohibited without the publication director’s express authorisation.

The brands appearing on this website belong to their respective owners.

Use of cookies

Non-personal information is stored by this cookie system (text files used to recognise a user and make it easier for them to use the website). They have no significance outside their use on the website.


MO-DI-TEC has no control over websites connected to its website and, therefore, cannot be held responsible for their content. The user is fully responsible for the risks associated with using these websites. The user will comply with their conditions of use.


Publication director: MO-DI-TEC

Web design and website development: E-denzo


OVH France 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix

MO.DI.TEC 2025 | Legal information | Sitemap | Privacy policy | Web design: Agence E-Denzo